Mediation Works

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Mediation Works is specialized in professional resolution of conflicts with mediation. Mediation is an effective way of solving conflicts and aims at finding a solution that is acceptable for both/all the parties involved in the mediation. As a MfN-registermediator I lead the process of communication and negotiation between the parties in employment/work conflicts, business conflicts and conflicts in education/school.

Professional mediation


A conflict at work has lots of implications and negative impact on the individual(s), the team(s) and the organisation as a whole. It costs lots of time, money, energy and stress.  Conflicts between colleagues, teams, employer/employee.

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Conflicts within companies and/or between companies. Conflicts within partnerships, organisations, boards of directors, shareholders, with partners, suppliers…relevance of a fast and effective solution for businesses.

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In the educational field schools at all levels use mediation to solve conflicts at school. Conflicts between teachers, between teachers and school management, between parents and school teachers/management.

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Being able to express yourself in your own language or in a language you master the best. Mediation Works offers the possibility of mediations not only in Dutch but also in English, French and Italian.

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